Friday, October 28, 2016



haha sepatutnya aku upload ni berminggu yang lepas.. tapi maap ler.. busy tak menyempat nak update *padahal sebab malas nk bukak


saya malas nak copy paste the answers.. can I just paste the links to my GD (Google Drive) not my G-Dragon.. opsss

Tengok SINI tau......

K dah. setlle. see ya on next post

Sunday, October 9, 2016


SO SINI HANI ADE TEKA TEKI SIKIT (kalau hambar, sila maafkan)

so the RIDDLES sounds like this,

What is it that is easy to get in, but hard to get out????

haaaaaaa,,, jawapan nyer sgt lah related dgn apa yg sedang dialami hani sekarang ni..

the answer is,  KPOP THINGS 
terpulang kat diri masing-masing sebenarnya.. hani je..

tak sedar diri kan..

I should be thinking about my FYP rite now.

hmmm.. I did think about it.. its not easy to leave it straight away.. it is a success that I could prevent myself from watching K-Drama so far.. will continue after my final year ends maybe.. K-Songs is the only that I listens to rite now..

wondering kenapa tetiba aku nak post pasal Korea pulak malam ni..


actually, my favourite KPOP idol comeback is scheduled on 10/10/2016.. so thats why laaa





so this is my fourth reflection already huh..

first of all, I'm sorry if I in the class is not giving full concentration. too much things is coming in my head.. and as a final year student, I can't let my mind stop thinking about my FYP even for a seconds.. I'm getting anxious, panic and all sort of feelings.

but fortunately, I still submit all my assignments on time ( a few that I sent late because I forgot)
so its a relief.  I dont have much to say this time.

I have a test tomorrow and also the day after tomorrow.. and also a mountain of assignments coming the way.

pray for me, bye!



Today I will upload 2 assginments in one post (see the title) XD


The questions for this excel exercise I have upload it in my Google Drive. so you can have a look at it ( link is given below) I will only post the answers only. this is how it will look like.

moving on to the next exercise which is LAB 2, (the docx of the questions and answers are in my Google Drive

1. Identify three people you want to interview at the Wireless Café to help you understand the current information architecture.
                - Manager
                - Owners
                - Tech support person
a) For each person interviewed, prepare three questions you will ask them to elicit information about their information needs.
                1) Who is the one who comes up with the new ideas for the Wireless Café?
                2) How can you provide one of the best internet service beside food and get enough money in     the restaurant?

                1) The employees who get the offers to work in the Café don’t they need training, if they do IT    works?

                Tech support person
                1) How did you deal with the customer service to obtain information on customer satisfaction?

b) To better prepare yourself for the interviews, go online to research software and hardware available to the restaurant industry in particular and to hospitality in general.
                - using online reservation system using a service such as OpenTable or website extension like        TableBoss

2. Visit the Wireless Café website and determine the different ways customers can obtain food.  What are the information implications of these different ways?
                - Online reservation system
                - Contact the restaurant via phone, email or IM to make reservation
                - Implications: it make reservation simpler and faster but it lacks engagement between the                              restaurant and their customer

3. Relate the major internal support systems at the Wireless Café and relate them to Jade and Jimmy’s managerial functions.
                 - Better utilization of staff
                     - staff are satisfied with their job if they understand clearly their responsibility

4. What competitive opportunities can the Wireless Café exploit for competitive advantage?
                - using IPad to take orders from customers

:: Links for my GD (Google Drive not G-Dragon) haha.. okey.. just kidding!


Monday, October 3, 2016



haha.. mianhae, I was late again for the reflective writing for the lab..

so basically, we don't have any lab assignments to post here on my blog this week. so the story start with us not having the class for that day but still we attend the lab in the evening ( Dr, I hope you will get well soon.. I heard from my friends that says you are not very well that day)

the evening lab, uhhmmm, the adwords is the new things to be learned apart from the lecture that we did in the lab. there is too many things to be learned.. and there is also too many things circulating inside my head..

I don't think I'm the only one thinking like that.. in my head thinking of all the assignments, my FYP, my thesis.. hahaha, can't even stop thinking about that..

My problems have been solved.. I already get a group for the Internet Community Project.. so be grateful, hani.. Allah has made your life easier :)

This is Hani Khaulah, till we meet again on the next reflective writing #4