Monday, December 9, 2013


huhu, a very sad story to be told here...

hani hamba Allah yg selalu diuji.. ujian paling common.. Allah letakkan hani dalam dilemma antara dua keputusan.. hani redha insyaAllah..

may I seek help from u guys? please? just an opinion from you? which one should I go?

1) Walkathon alumni
    -event fakulti.. biase2 je
    - ada merit fakulti. hehe

2) Usrah mega / rehlah mega
    - xde merit
    - special maybe.. in the way that Allah redha

my rumet said~ baik ko pegi event yg ko xkn dpt pngalaman yg sma dh lpas ni. dia vote aq pegi rehlah mega. sbb dia kata bnyk je lgi event fakulti yg ko leh join lpas ni..
me said~ maybe.. rehlah mega is the same.. bnda tu akn ada jgk lpas ni. tpi the experience n the person could have changed.
hadi said~ let the time decide. when the times arrive, you'll know which one you would like to go xD


tpi hani kna mmpertimbangkan perasaan kedua belah pihak.. huhu, thats makes me stress out. need an opinion.. scara jujrnya
