one bedtime story....
hani tgh study bio tadi... fatin msj sbb nk mai bilik katanya... x pe la... x kisah pda awalnya... tpi hati ni mula ttnya2 apa hal la pulak fatin ni nk mai bilik...
tok... tok.. tok... Oh I know it... fatin dh smpai...
the only thing she came up is to make clear what has happen to our friendship before... ye hani dh dgr smua explanation dya n hani dh ckp apa yg hani nk ckp...
sembang pnya sembang.... then dye wk kluar sumthing dri poket cardigan dya.... satu bngkusan yg dbngkus dgn sgt kmas... sbb bnyk salotape...
N you see what I got??? that is the thing that I really wanted to make it mine...